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I’m free now.

«El amor a uno mismo quiere decir que que te amas a ti mismo; no exiges el amor de los demás. No hay ninguna necesidad de convencer a los demás. Es suficiente contar con la propia aceptación interna. No tiene nada que ver con los puntos de vista de los demás.» Wayne Dyer.

«Encontraremos un camino o bien lo construiremos.» Aníbal

«No conozco otro hecho más estimulante que la incuestionable habilidad del hombre para elevar su vida mediante un esfuerzo consciente» Henry David Thoreau

To be aware of oneself’s reality is the greatest achievement of human race. Race as a rally, race as a marathon, as an own and unique event. A proper development at higher and limitless levels of our conscience. This is by far beyond any philosophy that tries to limit you and put you inside a box. Next evolutionary step implies dislink yourself from the chains of others approval. Next level of conciusness implies being proud of my own mistakes and wins. Small wins, medium wins, big wins. Who chooses which win is big or small? Yourself. Who’s there giving you good nights and good days, working for you to achieve your goals, isn’t that one your own self?

There is no one better that you, and you are not better than anyone. But as you shouldn’t decide for others, for that reason you shouldn’t allow others to choose or decide about your life.

This is hard to understand to a lot of people, specially those who preach to love you and misunderstand «love» to «control».

You are free.

Your life is yours.

They can have opinions, they can comment.

You have the control of your own present and future. This shall pass too. And beyond everyone’s perspectives about which future should you live, your opinions, your actions, and your emotions must and will prevail.

Live your own manifesto.
(If that’s what you want to do)

«Los retrasos de Dios no significan negativas.» Tony Robbins

Luis Sánchez
Comunicador Visual
+57 316 558 7196

«El mayor descubrimiento de mi generación es que un ser humano puede cambiar su vida cambiando su actitud mental» – William James (1842-1910), padre de la psicología.

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